Common Junction Input Parameters


Every junction must have a unique ID number. When new junctions are created, a junction number is automatically allocated.

The junction number can be changed by the user to any unique value greater than zero and less than 100,000. Junction numbers are only identifiers and have no effect on the model behavior.


A name can be assigned to each pipe for reference purposes. Names do not need to be unique. The name can be shown on the Workspace and in the Output window.

Library List

A list of all available custom components. It displays components from any connected library.

Selecting a component from this list automatically retrieves the junction settings and populates the properties window. Changing the input manually will deselect the component in the list.

Copy Data From Junction

The Copy Data From Junction dropdown list allows you to copy all or some of an existing junctions’s properties to the current junction. Selecting an existing junction will prompt the user on what parameters should be changed.

In child scenarios, Copy Data From Junction lists "Parent Junction Data," allowing the user to copy all or some parameters from the parent junction.

Pipe Connectivity

The connected pipes are displayed. This is helpful to determine potential connection issues and easily identify which pipes are upstream and downstream of the junction.


Every junction must have an elevation reference. This value is the centerline elevation of the connected pipe(s).

Junction elevations are used to account for pressure changes due to gravity, allowing calculation of absolute pressures in pipes.

A default elevation can be specified in Parameter User Options, automatically setting new junctions to the specified elevation.

Note: Junction elevation takes on a modified meaning for rotating systems. In rotating systems, the elevation is the distance from the centerline of rotation. This distance is used with the rotational velocity specified in the Environmental Properties panel to determine  rotational acceleration for the pipe.

Jump Feature

Quickly move to the next junction. See the Finding Objects topic.