Primary Window Overview

AFT Arrow has several Primary Windows that work in an integrated fashion. Each is located on a separate, moveable tab. You work exclusively from one of these windows at all times. For this reason, they are referred to as Primary Windows.

You can change between the Primary Windows by selecting them from the Window menu or by clicking the appropriate tab within the AFT Arrow window.

  • Workspace

    The Workspace Primary Window is where the user creates the graphical representation of the system. Engineering data is input on pipe and junction property windows which are opened by double-clicking the objects.

    The Workspace Layers are also located on this Primary Window and allow the user to display both input and output data superimposed on the pipe system schematic.

  • Model Data

    The Model Data Primary Window summarizes the engineering input data from the Workspace into categorized tables. This allows for easy review of the system inputs, and double clicking cells will open the pipe or junction properties for quick editing.

  • Output

    The Output Primary Window offers a powerful and diverse range of features for reviewing analysis results which are organized into categorized tables and lists. The Output allows the user to easily compare multiple design scenarios with color coded rows, details errors or design requirement violations, and prepare the results for documentation.

  • Graph Results

    The Graph Results Primary Window allows the user to create a wide array of graphs with various parameters which are integral to gaining a deeper understanding of the pipe system’s behavior. The user can adjust various formatting settings such as axis ranges, labels, colors, and create dual y-axis or stacked graphs. The settings can be saved into templates called Graph List Items so that the graphs can be easily reproduced.

If the ANS Module is activated, an additional Primary Window called the Sizing window will be available, which allows sizing information to be configured.

Primary Window

Can Display Input

Can Display Output


Model Data




Graph Results