View Menu

  • Last View - (Workspace Only) - Switches to the most recent Workspace view. The view is changed by scrolling, zooming, or using the Workspace Find. The Last View in the View menu will take you back to the previous view of the Workspace. You can toggle between two views by continuously clicking Last View.

  • Select Objects - (Workspace Only) - Changes cursor to selection tool to select junctions, pipes, etc.

  • Overview Map - (Workspace Only) - Opens overview map in the Quick Access Panel.

  • Workspace Pan - (Workspace Only) - Changes cursor to pan tool to move around workspace.

  • Show Magnifier - (Workspace Only) - Turns on the Magnifier tool in the Workspace.

  • Show Object Status - (Workspace Only) - Toggles Show Object Status, which checks status of all pipes and junctions in model.

  • List Undefined Objects - (Workspace Only) - Opens Undefined Objects Window which displays undefined pipes and junctions and their properties.

  • Extended Model Check - Performs and exhaustive check of model consistency and completeness.

  • Highlight in Pipe and Jct Windows - (Workspace Only) - Toggles Highlight Feature for pipe and junction Properties Windows.

  • Color Common Size Groups - (Workspace with ANS Module Only) - Colors the pipes assigned to the selected Common Size Group(s) in the Workspace.

  • Color Design Requirements - (Workspace with ANS Module Only) - Colors the pipes assigned to the selected Design Requirement in the Workspace.

  • Bookmarks - (Workspace Only) - Allows creation and management of bookmarks.

  • Find - (Workspace Only) - Opens window whereby specific pipes and junctions can be found.