Workspace Integration

Modifying Sizing from the Workspace

Right-clicking anywhere on the Workspace allows the selection of existing Common Size Groups:

The Select Common Size Group options accessed by right clicking on the workspace.

Figure 1: Objects can be added to Common Size Groups from the right-click menu

Selected pipes can be moved to a new or existing Common Size Group:

The Add Pipe(s) to Common Size Group options accessed by right clicking on the workspace.

Figure 2: Pipes can be added to a previously created Common Size Group

Changes will be previewed before they are applied:

The previewed changes to the Common Size Groups.

Figure 3: Preview of changes to Common Size Groups

Sizing Level Assignments and Design Requirements can also be applied in this manner.

Viewing Assigned Common Size Groups and Design Requirements

Additionally, each Common Size Group or Design Requirement can have a unique color applied to it by selecting the appropriate option under the View menu.

The Color Common Size Groups options in the View menu. A model on the workspace with common size groups shown in different colors.

Figure 4: Common Size Groups organized by color