Verification Case 74

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PRODUCT: AFT Fathom (with SSL Module)

TITLE: FthVerify74.fth

REFERENCE: Wilson, Addie, Sellgren & Clift, Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps 3rd Edition, 2006, Publisher Springer, Page 244-246, Case Study 10.3

FLUID: Water/Sand

ASSUMPTIONS: Water temperature is assumed to be 4 deg. C. M is assumed to be 1.7. The pipe length was assumed to be 144.5 m to achieve the specified flow of 62.5 l/s. The inlet and outlet pressures were assumed. These pressures do not affect the final results of the problem. Use simplified slurry calculations. Use ANSI/HI Standard 12.1-12.6-2005 calculations to determine the pump corrections.


AFT Fathom Wilson, Addie, Sellgren & Clift
Corrected Efficiency 71.85% 71.3%
Corrected Power 48.51 kW 45.1 kW


The answers in this case are close, but not exact. This is primarily due to some assumptions and rounding done in the example in the reference. For example, the flow rate of 62.5 l/s selected in the book assumed a speed of 1500 rpm. Examining figure 10.10, one can see that this is an approximation, so a slight difference in the pump head curve is introduced in this way. Also, the correction factor was rounded off from 4.7% to 5.0%. Based on these approximations, the results from AFT Fathom match very closely.

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