Automated Network Sizing (ANS) Examples

The examples below utilize the Automated Network Sizing module.

Fathom ANS Examples

Example Complexity Fluid Pipes Pumps Description
Beginner - Three-Reservoir Model Beginner Water 3 0 Learn the basics of the ANS module such as defining all panels in the Sizing window to achieve a minimum flow volume objective
Control Valve Beginner Water 2 0 Learn how to use the ANS module and how Common Size Groups work to minimize the pipe weight of a system.
Cooling System, Creating Libraries Intermediate Water 21 2 Learn how to build cost libraries and engineering libraries for use with the ANS module. See how to use Scale Tables for defining pump or bend costs, how to specify material versus installation costs, and how to define costs for pipes.
Cooling System Intermediate Water 21 2 Learn how to use the ANS module to minimize monetary cost based on initial cost and recurring costs. See how to use the Assign Cost Libraries panel and the Sizing Summary panel. Explore how the system life and the sizing objective impacts the optimal pipe sizes.
Cooling System, Multiple Design Cases Intermediate Water 21 2 Learn how to use the ANS module to define and size a system based on a dependent design configuration, called a Dependent Design Case.
Hot Water System Intermediate Water 24 3 Learn how to use the ANS module to define a system with multiple specific design requirements and minimize initial and recurring costs. See how to use a Dependent Design Case to see how a system configuration affects the system sizing.
Variable Drive Intermediate Lube Oil 23 2 Learn how to use the ANS module to see the life cycle cost savings in a sized system using a Variable Frequency Drive instead of a Control Valve.
Housing Project Advanced Water 25 0 Learn how to use the ANS module to size a system with more than one Dependent Design Case with unique design requirements for each dependent case.