Extended Time Simulation (XTS) Examples

The examples below utilize the Extended Time Simulation module.

Fathom XTS Examples

Example Complexity Fluid Pipes Pumps Description
Beginner - Filling a Tank Beginner Water 28 1 Learn the basics of the XTS module such as defining a transient junction and specifying the Transient Control group in Analysis Setup. See how to generate a Quick Graph from the Output window to see how a tank fills up over time.
Reservoir Balance Beginner Water 2 0 Learn how to use the XTS module to see the effects of a system with multiple finite open tanks.
Valve Closing Beginner Water 3 1 Learn how to use the XTS module to define an initiating transient event, such as a valve closing when a reservoir liquid height reaches a specified value.
Controlled Heat Exchanger Temperature Beginner Water 10 1 Learn how to use the XTS module to model a system with a pump that shuts off once the liquid level of a tank reaches a specified value.
Housing Project Intermediate Water 28 1 Learn how to use the XTS module to specify a Dual Event Cyclic transient initiation, such as a pump turning on or off depending on a reservoir liquid height.
Variable Demand Intermediate Water 19 2 Learn how to use the XTS module to define a Single Event Initiation of Transient for multiple junctions within a system.