Temperature at inlet/exit of pipe X is above/below max/min fluid temperature range

A Warning message in AFT Fathom

Full Message Text

There are several variations of this Warning:

  • Temperature at inlet of pipe X is below min fluid temperature range.

  • Temperature at exit of pipe X is below min fluid temperature range.

  • Temperature at inlet of pipe X is above max fluid temperature range.

  • Temperature at exit of pipe X is above max fluid temperature range.


The temperature used to calculate fluid properties is being predicted outside the valid range of data for the AFT Standard fluid or User Library Fluid. In order to produce results the software is extrapolating data or using a curve fit beyond the defined range of acceptable values. The fluid properties may be incorrect and may affect the result accuracy. The max and min temperature for the fluid data can be seen by opening the Library menu, selecting Edit Fluids, selecting the fluid used in the model, and looking at the top of the Properties section.

Required Action

Adjust the model such that the temperatures remain within the bounds of fluid data. This could take on many forms depending on the goal of the analysis and what is acceptable:

  • Check for typos or incorrect inputs in the Model Data (including units), especially at the boundary condition junctions or any components with significant temperature changes

  • Increase or decrease the upstream boundary condition temperature (such as the temperature in an Assigned Pressure junction)

  • Adjust the heat transfer in pipes such that the temperature does not drop below or rise above the bounds of data

  • Add more data to the custom fluid that extends the range to cover the temperatures seen in the model

  • Run a scenario using a different fluid library if the fluid can be found in the other Library sources, and compare the results