
The Venturi junction type requires two connecting pipes. This junction type allows you to model the irrecoverable loss that occurs through a venturi area change, which is frequently used in conjunction with pressure taps in flow measurement devices. It also allows you to specify loss factors as a function of a flow parameter.

The Venturi Properties window follows the first of the two basic Properties Window formats, displaying the connecting pipes in a fixed format. The Venturi junction does not have an explicit flow direction, but adopts a flow direction from the connecting pipes.

Loss Models

AFT Impulse does not provide any standard venturi loss models. Venturi flow characteristics vary from vendor to vendor, so it is difficult to find generally applicable models. You must enter your own custom venturi loss factor that is consistent with the application. This information should be obtained from the manufacturer or from test data.

For convenience, you can specify constant loss characteristics of a venturi as a discharge coefficient (Cd) or a loss factor (K).

If you would like to model the pressure loss through the Venturi as varying with the flow rate, select the radio button next to Resistance Curve under the Loss Model tab of the Venturi Properties window. Once Resistance Curve is selected, additional features appear that allow you to input pressure drops versus flow data. To enter this data, you can specify polynomial constants, fit a curve to available data, or use interpolated x-y data.