Verification References

  1. Brown, R.J., Water-Column Separation at Two Pumping Plants, Journal of Basic Engineering, 1968

  2. Chaudhry, M. Hanif, Ph.D., Applied Hydraulic Transients, 3rd Ed., 2014, Springer

  3. Karney, Bryan W and McInnis, Duncan, Efficient Calculation of Transient flow in Simple Pipe Networks, 1992, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 118, No. 7, No. 26648, July

  4. Karney, Bryan W and McInnis, Duncan, Transient Analysis of Water Distribution Systems, Journal AWWA, July 1990, pp. 62-70

  5. Kamemura, Toshihiko, et. al., Fluid Transients in Pipeline, 1988, Nippon Kokan Technical Report Overseas, No. 52, pp. 42-49

  6. Kaplan M., Streeter V., and Wylie E.B., Oil Pipeline Transients, The University of Michigan, Industry Program of the College of Engineering, August 1966, IP-743

  7. Liou, Jim C. P., Understanding Line Packing in Frictional Water Hammer, ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, August 2016, Vol. 138

  8. Parmakian, John, Waterhammer Analysis, Dover Publishing, 1963

  9. Watters, Gary Z., PE, Modern analysis and Control of Unsteady Flow in Pipelines, 1979, Ann Arbor Science

  10. Wylie, E. Benjamin, Fluid Transients in Systems, 1993, Prentice-Hall