Library Menu

  • Add Junction to Library - (Workspace Only) - Prompts you to enter the name to be used in the Junction Library for the currently selected junction. After naming, adds junction to the library.

  • Edit Junctions - Opens Edit Junctions panel where you can delete or rename entries in the Component Library.

  • Edit Fluids - Opens Edit Fluids panel where you can add, delete, modify or review custom fluids.

  • Edit Pipe Materials - Opens Edit Pipe Materials panel where you can add, delete, modify or review custom pipe materials.

  • Edit Fittings & Losses - Opens Edit Pipe Fittings & Losses panel where you can add, delete, modify or review custom pipe fittings and losses.

  • Edit Solids - (SSL Module Only ) - Opens the Edit Solids panel where you can add, delete, modify or review solids properties for slurry modeling.

  • Library Manager - Opens the Library Manager window.