Optional Input for Junctions

Initial Guesses

A user defined initial guess can be entered for pressure (or head) for most junctions. This is only an initial guess for the Solver - the solution will vary from this value, and the value has no effect on the end solution.

A good initial guess can be helpful to decrease the number of Steady-Solver iterations required.

Special Conditions

The Special Condition can be changed for some junctions. For example, a valve can be set to closed, preventing all flow. A symbol (default of "X") will be placed before the junction label indicating that a special condition is applied.

Design Factor

A design factor can be used to add safety margins into the hydraulic analysis. For junctions, two types of design factors exist:

  • Pump Junctions: head rise at the pump is multiplied by the design factor assigned to the pump.

  • All other junctions: total loss factor is multiplied by the design factor assigned to the junction.

Note: The design factor for pumps has the opposite effect on a system that the design factor for other junction types has. A design factor of 1.1 for junctions with a pressure loss will give an extra 10% pressure drop at that junction, adding resistance to the system. A design factor of 1.1 for the pump junction will give an extra 10% pressure rise, effectively modeling the pump as having extra capacity than expected. To add a 10% safety margin to the pump junction, a design factor of 0.9 should be used.

Workspace Icon

The junction icon can be changed to better represent a specific junction type. This is accomplished by clicking the Change Icon button. Custom images can be added by clicking the Add Image button. The size of the junction can be changed via Workspace Layers.