Output Messages & Warnings

Various types of messages may be given in the output when you run a model. These messages are intended to alert you about problems with the model or solution. There are different message classifications depending on the severity, but all message types should be reviewed when they are displayed in the output.

The links below will take you to a message list for the corresponding message type with a brief explanation given for each.

  1. CRITICAL WARNING - Very High Severity - The model is not accurately predicting behavior, and the solution may violate the engineering assumptions of the software. These issues must be resolved for the model to be trustworthy, and the output should only be used for error resolution or troubleshooting purposes and never for engineering decisions.

  2. WARNING - High Severity - A serious issue with the model or results exists. For example, the solution has exceeded a valid data range, or potentially unrealistic behavior is occurring. A real system may encounter operational problems under the conditions.

  3. CAUTION - Moderate/Low Severity - Something may be wrong with the model or of interest for the user to double check. Depending on the application, the results may or may not be affected. If results are affected, it would be to a lower degree compared to a Warning.

  4. INFORMATION - An Information message is intended to make the user aware that an advanced feature is being used in the model, or to provide comments or suggestions relating to an advanced feature. Following suggestions may achieve higher accuracy results if the right conditions apply, but can also cause incorrect results if not applied properly. If the user understands the feature then no action is required.

Any message that directly lists a pipe/junction can be double-clicked to take you directly to the object on the Workspace. Whenever a Warning or Critical Warning message type is displayed, the General Results section will display red text.

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