Pipe/Junction X property calculation failed to continue towards convergence

A Warning message in AFT xStream

Full Message text is:

Pipe/Junction X property calculation failed to continue towards convergence.


The final network solution was not within tolerance for a local iteration. This was determined by AFT xStream’s Auto-Detect feature. The Solver ignored this and continued on. If a network solution is obtained but this out of tolerance situation exists, AFT xStream attempts the network solution again up to five times in a row. If the out of tolerance situation remains, AFT xStream ceases further attempts and displays the convergence notification, then gives this warning in the output. The property can be any of several solver parameters and depends on the actual subroutine where the problem occurred.

Along with the warning, the Error value and Tolerance are displayed, along with a Code #. For AFT xStream to consider this local iteration to be converged, the Error value needs to be less than the displayed Tolerance. This Tolerance is not the tolerance the user can specify in AFT Arrow Steady Solution, but rather an internal “hard-wired” tolerance that has been set by the software developers and arrived at through experience.

If the Error value is relatively close to the displayed Tolerance, it is generally safe to ignore this warning. If it is much larger, the remainder of the output is probably invalid.

In either case, changing the solution method in the AFT Arrow Steady Solution panel frequently solves the problem.

The Code # identifies the subroutine where the problem occurred. This information is not of much assistance to the user, but can be of help to AFT technical support staff when troubleshooting models.