Output Files

Numerical results and output from the Solver are saved in Output Files (*.out file extension). Output Files are stored in the same location as the model file, and a unique file will exist for each scenario that is run, differentiated by numbers appended to the file name. The General section of the Output window will list which Output File is used for the current scenario.

The Output File will only remain on disk if the model file is saved after it has been run.

Changing various input data parameters for the model will invalidate the previous results, and a prompt will appear stating: "This action will clear all results and delete the output file for the current scenario and any children. Do you want to continue the action?"

Renaming the model file in the Windows File Explorer will unlink the model file from any existing Output Files. Instead, open the model file and choose File > Save As which will rename and copy all Output Files. Alternatively, the Save Scenario to File options can be used from the Scenario Manager.

The file size will be heavily dictated by the simulation duration and amount of time steps saved as specified on the Simulation Duration panel in Analysis Setup. The Sectioning Panel will also have an impact and will increase the file size if the Output Pipe Stations are set to All Stations.