New in Version 9

Analysis Setup

The Analysis Setup window consolidates windows for System Properties, Solution Control, Activate Modules, Extended Options, Goal Seek & Control Manager, and Transient Control all into one location. This allows users to activate and enable modules, specify fluids, change solution tolerances or iterations, and so on, all from a single window. For a list of windows that have merged into the Analysis Setup window see the topic on Interface Improvements for Arrow 9.


The database feature interface was completely overhauled to improve workability. The new system is called the Library Manager and significantly improves the ease and workability for users to browse and connect input information, now called libraries, into their model.

Multi-Scenario Graphing

Profile graphs (and Transient Graphs in the XTS module) can now include output from multiple scenarios, making it easy to compare the results along a flow path for different scenarios.

Improved Organization of the Warnings in the Output

An improved display of the warnings and design alerts makes it easier to review and understand information in the following ways:

  • Critical Warnings, Warnings, and Cautions are color-coded and grouped by type in collapsible sections

  • Design Alerts are now shown on a separate tab in the General Section

  • Double-clicking messages will take user to the related pipe/junction in the Workspace

  • Warnings, Cautions, and Design Alerts are now displayed for all scenarios when using the Multi-scenario Output feature

Extended Time Simulation (XTS) Add-on Module

The XTS Module is now available as an add-on module for AFT Arrow. The XTS module allows slow transients to be modeled such as pressurizing a tank, controlled valve opening/closing, and slow compressor/fan transients. Users can view transient output in the Output window, create transient graphs, or create transient Visual Reports.

More Improvements

  • Pipes/Junctions

    • Pipes can be defined as zero-length connectors to connect two junctions which are directly flanged together

  • Workspace and Interface

    • Pipes and Junctions can be set the Same as Parent directly from the Workspace

    • Custom Unit names can be defined in the Unit System section of the User Options window

    • Special Conditions can be directly changed from the toolbar for junctions that have multiple special condition options

  • Output and Reporting

    • Show the number of warnings and design alerts in the batch run window

    • Heat Transfer output parameters added to Visual Report

    • Design alerts are grouped together in the General Output section

  • Miscellaneous

    • Silent Batch runs can be enabled to prevent notifications from appearing over other active windows