Walk-Through Examples (Metric Units)

The AFT Arrow Walk-Through Examples are designed to get new users trained to use AFT Arrow correctly in the shortest amount of time. If you are using AFT Arrow for the first time, start with the Beginner - Air Heating System example because it offers an in-depth explanation of how to use AFT Arrow. Otherwise, choose an example from the table below that you wish to learn more about. For examples using the AFT Arrow Add-on Modules, see the AFT Arrow Modules Overview.

Completed versions of the example model files are included with the default installation: C:\AFT Products\AFT Arrow 10\Examples

Note: The examples are available in both English and Metric units. To work these examples in a different unit system, open the appropriate example, and click the link to the alternate unit system example found at the top of each example.

Example Complexity Fluid Pipes Compressors/Fans Description
Beginner - Air Heating System Beginner Air 5 1 A new AFT Arrow user should start here. Get in-depth instructions of model building by solving an air heating system problem. Learn how to define a fluid in Analysis Setup, place pipes and junctions on the Workspace, define pipes and junctions, use the Model Data window, run a model, use the Output window, generate graphs in the Graph Results window, and view results in the Workspace using Workspace Layers.
Orifice CdA and Sonic Choking Beginner Steam 2 - Learn about the CdA value for sonic choking in the Orifice Properties window. See how the effective flow area affects the flow rates and pressures in the system.
Control Valve Beginner Steam 2 - Learn how to define the Convective Heat Transfer model on the Heat Transfer tab of the Pipe Properties window. See how to use a control valve junction to determine pipe size. Learn how to use the Output Control window to display relevant heat transfer output parameters.
Natural Gas Burner Beginner Methane 16 - Learn how to use the Specified Heat Rate In Constant thermal model in a Heat Exchanger junction to obtain a desired outlet temperature in a system. See how to specify a resistance curve as the loss model in a Heat Exchanger junction.
Compressed Air System Beginner Air 9 1 Learn how to input a compressor curve into a Compressor/Fan junction. See how to use the Scenario Manager to create different system configurations. Explore how to use the isometric pipe drawing mode in the Workspace window.
Process Steam System Intermediate Steam 17 - Learn about the Solution Method panel in Analysis Setup to see how the Length March Increment impacts results.
Hydrocarbon Process Relief System Intermediate Methane Hydrogen 4 - Learn how to create a mixture using the NIST REFPROP fluid library. See how and where multiple choking points occur in the system. Learn about Sound Power Level and its significance.
Refinery Relief System Beginner Methane Ethane Propane 6 - Learn how to use the NIST REFPROP fluid library to specify multiple pure fluids in a single system where dynamic mixing occurs. See how to use Global Junction Edit to make rapid changes to junctions.
Air Blower Sizing Intermediate Air 13 1 Learn how blower efficiency affects pressure rise and discharge temperature. See how using heat transfer further impacts the pressure and temperature results.
Compressed Air System - Cost Beginner Air 9 1 Learn the basics of cost calculations such as specifying material, installation, and energy costs, connecting engineering and cost libraries, and interpreting the Cost Report in the Output window.
Process Steam System - Cost Intermediate Steam 17 - Learn how to create cost libraries for pipe materials and junctions. See how to use Scale Tables to allow costs to scale as pipe diameters change. Learn how to specify Material costs versus Installation costs.