Equivalent Length

The use of equivalent lengths is supported by AFT Fathom in the Valve junction, Bend junction, and the pipe Fittings & Losses. The options for bends and valves come from table in NFPA 13NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 1999 Edition, page 13-139.. If you are not using the NFPA 13 standard then using a user-specified equivalent length is recommended. To enable NFPA reporting for use with equivalent length losses see the NFPA panel topic.

The loss factors in table assume that a Hazen-Williams C-Factor of 120 and schedule 40 steel piping are being used. If your reference pipe is defined using a different Hazen-Williams factor or different pipe schedule, then the equivalent length will be adjusted by equation 6.2 (Equation 1 below) on page 103 of Brock, Pat D. 2012Brock, Pat D., Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply Analysis, Third Edition, Fire Protection Publications Oklahoma State University, Copyright 2012 by the Board of Regents, Oklahoma State University..



  • Leq = new equivalent length

  • L1 = original length

  • Deq = diameter of new equivalent length

  • D1 = original diameter

  • Ceq = C-Factor for new equivalent length

  • C1 = original C-Factor

This equation is intended for taking an equivalent length and adjusting for a new equivalent length based off changes to diameter and C-Factor. This is a general equation, but NFPA table data from table is only for schedule 40 steel and a C-Factor of 120. Therefore, the adjusted equivalent length can be written as shown in Equation 2.


Equation 2 (adjusted from Brock et. al. Equation 6.2) will predict an adjusted equivalent length that coincides with the NFPA 13 equivalent length modifier and the C-Value Multiplier from table Note that if the reference piping is using a friction model other than Hazen-Williams, Ceq is assumed to be 120 and the equivalent length will not be adjusted due to friction.