Goal Seek and Control Group

(GSC Module Only) The GSC module is controlled through the Goal Seek and Control items in the Analysis Setup window. In these panels, the user specifies all of the system variables, as well as the desired goals. As the user adds variables and goals to the model, AFT Fathom will display a symbol beside the pipes and junctions that have variables or goals applied to them. The default is a V for variables, and a G for goals. The goal symbol is not displayed next to objects that are part of a group goal.

The Goal Seek and Control Group has three panels:

  • Variables panel - Allows users to define and apply variables to be used for the GSC run.

  • Goals panel - Allows users to define and apply goals to be used for the GSC run.

  • Numerical Controls panel - Allows GSC search engine parameters to be adjusted for troubleshooting purposes.