XTS in Workspace

(XTS Module Only) The transient parameter labels on the Workspace Layers will change dynamically to be displayed at a selected time. The slider bar and buttons at the bottom of the Workspace function the same as the Output window time selection controls. When the user changes the current time, displayed transient parameters are changed as well. In addition, color maps are updated when in use.

As shown in Figure 1, the current time is displayed in the bottom-left by the time adjustment buttons. The time can also be optionally displayed next to the model as well. The time display on the Workspace can be turned on and off within the Global Layer Settings window. It is helpful to have the time on the Workspace when it is printed.

When using the XTS module, time adjustment controls are added to the bottom of the Workspace window.

Figure 1: The Workspace has additional time adjustment controls when the XTS Module is in Transient mode