Walk-Through Examples (Metric Units)

The AFT Impulse Walk-Through Examples are designed to get new users trained to use AFT Impulse correctly in the shortest amount of time. If you are using AFT Impulse for the first time, start with the Beginner - Valve Closure example because it offers an in-depth explanation of how to use AFT Impulse. Otherwise, choose an example from the table below that you wish to learn more about. For examples using the AFT Impulse Add-on Modules, see the AFT Impulse Modules Overview.

Completed versions of the example model files are included with the default installation: C:\AFT Products\AFT Impulse 10\Examples

Note: The examples are available in both English and Metric units. To work these examples in a different unit system, open the appropriate example, and click the link to the alternate unit system example found at the top of each example.

Example Fluid Pipes Pumps Description
Beginner - Valve Closure Water 4 -
In-depth discussion of model building in AFT Impulse. Solves a simple valve closure problem.
Ammonia Transfer with Cavitation Ammonia 3 - Three valve closure rates on a fluid transfer system are evaluated with respect to maximum pressure. Cavitation occurs in two cases.
Tank Farm with Infinite Pipes Gasoline 5 - A long supply pipeline flows into a gasoline tank farm. The transient occurs when flow is switched from one storage tank to another. Two scenarios compare the results with and without an infinite pipe boundary, and also compares the run times.
Pump Trip With Check Valve Water 2 1 A system pumping water uphill loses power to the pump. This model predicts the system response and pump speed decay.
Check Valve Modeling Water 3 1 A check valve needs to be selected to prevent reverse flow trough a pump in the case of a power failure. Different check valve modeling options are explored.
Relief Valve Modeling Crude Oil 6 1 A relief valve is considered to reduce pressure in a pipeline after an unplanned valve closure and pump trip. A back pressure relief valve and a rupture disk relief valve are compared.
Pump Trip With Accumulator Water 3 1 Same system as Pump Trip With Check Valve, except an accumulator is used to minimize the downsurge due to the pump trip to keep all pressures above atmospheric.
Pump Startup With Event Transients Water 11 2 Transients from different pump startup scenarios are evaluated. A valve opening transient is initiated based on system events.
Pump Trip With Four Quadrant Modeling Water 13 2 Two pumps supplying cooling towers lose power. Valves close, but not before the pumps start to spin backwards. Four-quadrant pump modeling is used to evaluate the pump reaction and system transients.
Selecting a Pump Four Quadrant Curve Water 9 1 Provides the engineer with a deeper understanding of how to select four quadrant data sets for a waterhammer analysis, and how to evaluate the transient results predicted by the four quadrant curves.
Pump With Variable Speed Flow Control Water 8 1 A pump with a variable speed drive for flow control supplies water to two heat exchangers. The flow to one of the exchangers is turned off, and the controlled pump flow rate is reduced by half over five seconds.
Positive Displacement Pump Water 5 1 Models of a duplex and triplex positive displacement pump
Pipe Forces from Valve Closure Water 2 - Determines the transient forces that occur after a valve closure in a gravity drain system that transfers water from one tank to another through a valve in the connecting pipeline.