Solution Progress Window

Solution Progress indicates the current state of the steady-state solution iterations and the transient simulation.

The most out of tolerance junction or pipe is listed for the appropriate tolerances, along with general information about the solution method and related settings.

Note: Both absolute and relative criteria are always displayed. This can be helpful for selecting the appropriate tolerance criteria on difficult to converge models.

The Solution Progress Bar shows how far the transient simulation has progressed.

The area in the bottom of the window will give important feedback on the model solution. It is important not to dismiss messages in this area, as they could have an impact on results.

When the simulation is complete, options to view the Output, Graph Results, or Workspace become available.

Other Actions - Pausing the simulation allows for modification of certain Steady Solution Control parameters during the run, as well as viewing the iteration history if it was enabled via the Keep Track of Iteration History setting on the Iterations panel.

Retain Partial Transient Output - Canceling the run allows for output data to be kept up to the point at which the run was canceled. The Output File will be finalized and the partial output can be viewed. A caution will be shown in the Output stating the last valid time step. This can be used in combination with Transient Checkpoint Files to continue the run later.