Joining or Splitting Pipes

When pipes are present in the Workspace, users can both combine and split up pipes. This can be done either to clean up the model visually or to further manipulate the model.

Joining Pipes

When multiple pipes are placed in the workspace separated by junctions without having other flowpaths splitting off, those pipes and intermediate junctions can be combined into a single pipe. The new pipe will have a total length equal to the sum of the combined pipe lengths, and any losses associated with the intermediate junctions will be summed and entered as additional Fittings & Losses.

The pipes being combined must have the same material, size, type, and friction model to be combined. In addition, the pipes must be pointing in the same direction.

Joining pipes may cause some junction data to be lost such as special conditions, loss factors for reverse flow, and ignored transients.


To join pipes and junctions in the model, select the "Join Pipes/Junctions" option from the Edit menu. The Join Pipes window will be shown with more information on pipes that can be combined in the model. The behavior of the Join Pipes/Junctions window will vary depending on if junctions are selected on the Workspace when the Join Pipes/Junctions option is selected.

Note: For maintenance releases prior to August 2022 the Join Pipes/Junctions window did not exist. Instead pipes and junctions selected in the Workspace would be joined automatically when the "Join Selected Pipes/Junctions" option was selected in the Edit menu.

  • If junctions are selected on the Workspace, the Join Pipes/Junctions window will open with only the selected junctions shown in the list.

  • If no junctions are selected on the Workspace, the Join Pipes/Junctions window will open with all junctions that can be combined shown in the list. Any junctions that can be combined and won't cause a loss in data at that junction will be selected automatically.

Once the Join Pipe/Junctions window is opened the selections can be modified before joining the pipes. The options below the table can be enabled/disabled in order to filter the shown junctions based on if they are selected on the workspace, if they will loose data when combined, or if they can't be combined.

If any junctions are selected that would loose data when combined, an additional button will appear near the bottom of the window that allows junctions that would have data loss to be deselected. It is recommended to select this button before joining the pipes/junctions unless you are certain the lost data is no longer required.

To join the pipes at the junctions selected in the Join Pipes/Junctions window, click the Join Selected Junction(s) button at the bottom of the window.

Splitting Pipes

An existing pipe in the workspace can be split into multiple pipes by holding the Shift key while placing a junction on the pipe. This will split the pipe in two and insert the selected junction at the specified length. Any fittings and losses defined in the pipe can be placed in either of the split pipe segments.