The maximum peak-to-peak pressure limit defined in the API 618 standard has been exceeded at X locations

A Warning message in AFT xStream

Full Message text is:

The maximum peak-to-peak pressure limit defined in the API 618 standard has been exceeded at X location(s). See the Pulsation Summary.

This warning appears in AFT xStream when peak-to-peak pressure limits defined by the API 618 standard have been violated at one or more locations. This warning only appears when the PFA module is active, when the Frequency Analysis Mode is set to Steady State Pulsation, and the option Evaluate with API 618 is active in the Pulse Setup Panel. The Pulsation Summary tab in the Output Window, shown in Figure 1 below, provides a summary of each location where this occurred along with the limit at that location and the frequency at which the API 618 limit was violated.

Figure 1: The Pulsation Summary tab shows frequency analysis and reciprocating compressor information along with information describing locations where API 618 was violated