Minimal Slurry Calculation Method

(SSL Module Only) The Minimal Slurry Calculation method was developed for fully-stratified flow, but can be used as a conservative method for two-layer heterogeneous flow. The following data is required for the Minimal Calculation Method:

  • Temperature

  • Solids concentration

  • Density

  • Sliding friction coefficient, μs

Engineering Assumptions

See the SSL Engineering Assumptions topic.

Horizontal Pipes

The pressure drop in a given by the relationship given by Wilson, et al, 2006Wilson, K.C., G.R. Addie, A. Sellgren and R. Clift, Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps, 3rd Ed., published by Springer, 2006., on page 116. As described in the discussion in the book, the coefficient 0.55 is based on sand or gravel sliding in steel pipe which has a coefficient of sliding friction, μs of 0.40. The equation then is modified with the ratio of the value entered on the Slurry Definition panel and becomes the following:


Where im is the dimensionless head gradient and Vm is the mean velocity based on the full diameter regardless of whether any solids collection in the bottom of the pipe has reduced the effective diameter. Note that when the Minimal input option is selected in Analysis Setup on the Solids Definition panel there is no value entered for the d50 or d85 particle sizes and therefore the M exponent, V50 and other parameters cannot be determined.