New in Version 11

Scenario Comparison Tool

  • Quickly get a comparison of different scenarios within a model file

  • Useful to double-check input results for old models, or for troubleshooting purposes

  • For a detailed description, see Scenario Comparison Tool Overview

The Scenario Comparison tool.

Multi-scenario Pump vs. System Curves

  • Pump vs System curves from different scenarios can be plotted on the same graph within AFT Fathom

  • Easily compare changes to pump operation in different cases

  • For more information see Multi-Scenario Pump vs. System Curves Tutorial

A multi-scenario pump vs system curve.

Junction- specific Parameters in Visual Report

  • Output such as the percent of BEP for a pump or the Cv of a control valve can now be displayed in the Visual Report

Visual Report window with output displayed for 2 pumps and 2 control valves.

Notes in Output

  • Notes can be added to any cells in the Output to save observations and comments directly with the model file

A note added to a cell in the Output window.

New Workspace Functionality

  • Multi-level Undo - Drawing, arranging and moving objects in the Workspace now allows for multiple levels of undo

  • Workspace Magnifier - The magnifier tool provides an enlarged view of sections of the model to make it easier to manage and navigate large models

The magnifier tool is used to enlarge 3 pumps on the workspace.

  • Automatic Junction Rotation - Fathom will automatically rotate junctions to visually align with neighboring pipes to speed-up model formatting

  • Combine Pipes - a series of pipes and junctions can be combined to simplify a model, with any losses being imported to the Pipe Fittings and Losses tab, and any elevations being imported as Intermediate Pipe Elevations

  • Split Pipes by Intermediate Elevations - Pipes with intermediate elevations can be split with branches at intermediate elevation points (see Joining and Splitting Pipes)

  • Select Shortest Flow Path - The shortest path between two selected junctions can be found using this feature in the Edit menu

Diagnostics Window

  • Provides a list of features and settings which might cause issues as a starting point for model troubleshooting

  • See the Diagnostics Window topic for more information

More Improvements

  • Overall Performance

    • Improved intelligence on when a model needs to be saved and re-run to preserve the output

    • Faster model loading speed

    • Improved language refresh speed

    • New and updated themes

  • Workspace

    • The Undefined Objects panel remains open when pipes/junctions are being edited

    • Double-clicking a junction allows more than one of that junction to be placed in the Workspace at a time

    • Snapping can be turned off for pipes when the isometric drawing mode is enabled

  • Output

    • Output parameters can now be filtered/searched for simpler selection

    • The average thermal conductivity used for calculations can be displayed in the Output

  • Visual Report

    • Visual Report Control has been redesigned to better filter parameters

  • Pipes

    • Heat tracing now allows the entry of power/length and number of turns to allow Fathom to calculate the heat flux directly

  • Junctions

    • Updated Tee/Wye Properties window which clarifies the input and automatically defines the pipe arrangement according to the direction and orientation on the Workspace

    • Built-in K values are now included for bends with r/D between 0.5 and 1

    • Notes can be globally edited for junctions

  • Design Alerts

  • Ability to import custom Fittings & Losses from a file