New in Version 9
General Interface
Improved tab interface and enhanced Quick Access Panel functionality
Improved search includes pipe and junction notes, names and numbers
Output reports in German and Chinese languages
Files are automatically locked when opened to prevent multiple users from accidentally opening the same file
Global edit select all items within a section
Graph Results
Multiple Graphs Sets can be added to Graph Groups for easy generation and display
Multiple graph tabs on main Graph tab
Multiple graphs tiled on same Graph Group tab
Easy formatting of titles, axis labels, and plot lines
Plot series lines can be turned on/off for quick inspection
Graph controls now located on the Quick Access Panel for easy graph definition and changes
Junction location shown on profile plots
Annotations can be placed on graphs
Scenario Manager
Scenario manager shows which scenarios have output
Ability to create child scenarios without results saving duplication and load time
Scenario manager shows which scenarios have output
Ability to create child scenarios without results saving duplication and load time
Results Diagrams which graphically show data for pipe heat transfer, pumps and heat exchangers
Default colors for multi-scenario output.
Support for NFPA output reporting
Visual Report
Automatic Color Map generation
Design Alerts are specified and named globally and applied to pipes
New Design Alerts available
Improved Relief Valve specification
Improved clarity for data entry in the Reservoir/Tank Property window
Submerged pumps
When the speed is set for a pump, both the original and modified pump curves are shown on the Pump Property window
New Weir junction
- Design Alerts can be applied to junctions
3-K method for laminar flow through fittings
Equivalent Length option available for pipes, valves and bends
Pipes now have GSC variables available such as roughness, design factor, insulation thickness, Reynolds number
New and improved searching method for multi-variable goal seeking – useful for model calibration
Variables and goals can be reordered
New goals and variables added