Verification Case 36

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TITLE: FthVerify36.fth

REFERENCE: Crane Co., Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe, Technical Paper No. 410, Crane Co., Joliet, IL, 1988, Page 4-9, Example 4-15

FLUID: Water at 70 deg. F



Parameter Crane AFT Fathom
Head loss (feet) 21 20.5
Pump added head (feet) 421 420.5
Pump power usage @ 70% efficiency (hp) 15.2 15.19


AFT Fathom did not have the globe valve with reducers in its library, so the K factor of 27 was entered directly as a fitting and loss value in pipe 2. The standard gate valve was in the library, and was included in pipe 2. No information was provided about the pump suction, so a reservoir with zero elevation was used as the inlet with a frictionless suction pipe. Also, the discharge at 400 feet was to a reservoir connected to the last elbow by a frictionless pipe. The pump was modeled as an assigned flow.

The head loss from the pump discharge to the discharge tank can be obtained in AFT Fathom by subtracting the reservoir EGL from the pump outlet EGL. It also can be viewed in the Junction Deltas summary at the top of the Output window. The junction delta was setup in the Output Control window.

The added head in AFT Fathom is given in the Pump Summary on the Output window. The ideal power usage is also given in the Pump Summary as 10.62 hp. Dividing by 0.7 for the efficiency obtains 15.18 as shown in the table above.

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