Verification Case 62

View Model     Problem Statement


TITLE: FthVerify62.fth

REFERENCE: Roland Jeppson, Analysis of Flow in Pipe Networks, 1976, Publisher Ann Arbor Science, Page 137-139

FLUID: Water

ASSUMPTIONS: Assume water at 70 deg. F.


Pipe Flow Rate (ft3/sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jeppson 19.8 10.37 4.89 4 2.66 4.13 4.44 4.6
AFT Fathom 19.798 10.375 4.891 4.003 2.656 4.131 4.439 4.601
Pipe Flow Rate (ft3/sec) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Jeppson 13.67 2.4 4.07 6.07 1.64 1.11 5.47 1.6
AFT Fathom 13.667 2.402 4.066 6.066 1.638 1.108 5.468 1.598
Pipe Flow Rate (ft3/sec) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Jeppson 0.4 1.33 2.83 4.83 4.07 2.59 1.41 3.07
AFT Fathom 0.402 1.336 2.836 4.836 4.068 2.591 1.409 3.066
Pipe Flow Rate (ft3/sec) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Jeppson 3.11 3.07 2.57 6.98 2.48 8.02 10.26 12.26
AFT Fathom 3.112 3.067 2.573 6.975 2.483 8.019 10.262 12.262
Pipe Flow Rate (ft3/sec) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Jeppson 2.94 1.06 17.21 0.63 8.06 11.69 4.5 12.03
AFT Fathom 2.944 1.056 17.206 0.635 8.064 11.699 4.494 12.033
Pipe Flow Rate (ft3/sec) 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Jeppson 12.55 8.16 29.73 26.58 19.58 2.48 4.96 9.74
AFT Fathom 12.548 8.160 29.731 26.581 19.571 2.480 4.964 9.745
Pipe Head Loss (feet) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jeppson 10.59 2.97 0.69 24.57 0.22 17.43 10.04 16.17
AFT Fathom 10.562 2.961 0.686 24.513 0.214 17.385 10.019 16.129
Pipe Head Loss (feet) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Jeppson 11.3 3.01 16.9 2.29 2.86 1.01 0.86 4.1
AFT Fathom 11.275 2.997 16.852 2.274 2.845 1.003 0.851 4.066
Pipe Head Loss (feet) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Jeppson 0.1 1.45 0.52 1.02 12.69 10.46 1.07 7.29
AFT Fathom 0.098 1.438 0.518 1.007 12.650 10.428 1.062 7.251
Pipe Head Loss (feet) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Jeppson 15 7.28 5.16 61.39 0.81 7.89 1.46 5.16
AFT Fathom 14.939 7.259 5.143 61.221 0.802 7.869 1.449 5.137
Pipe Head Loss (feet) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Jeppson 6.73 0.92 8.03 0.05 5.99 2.82 1.53 13.17
AFT Fathom 6.698 0.914 8.007 0.046 5.967 2.811 1.519 13.145
Pipe Head Loss (feet) 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Jeppson 9.54 4.9 17.75 9.48 7.77 6.41 25.04 2.63
AFT Fathom 9.521 4.886 17.720 9.461 7.743 6.383 24.986 2.619


The problem statement does not include any reservoirs or pressure junctions, and hence no EGL or pressure results can be obtained. Since AFT Fathom always displays EGL and pressure results, there must be a pressure. Thus junction 1 was chosen as a pressure junction and assigned a surface elevation of 200 feet. The particular value chosen does not affect the results.

Jeppson presents results in terms of HGL. However, Jeppson's method assumes EGL and HGL are essentially the same because of minimal velocity. Therefore, Jeppson results are presented in the results shown above as EGL.

Results differ slightly between AFT Fathom and Jeppson. The head loss formula used by Jeppson differs from AFT Fathom. Jeppson's formula is more common to the water industry, and assumes the head loss is proportional to flow rate to some power near but less than 2. AFT Fathom assumes it always proportional to flow rate to the power of 2. These differences affect the results to some degree.

Slight differences in property and calculation constants that were assumed, as well as potential differences from Jeppson's solution tolerances, which are not known, may also contribute to differences in the solution results. Examples are the specific value of water density and gravitational constant.

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