Pipe X has an angle of Y degrees, but the Wasp-Durand model does not account for inclined or vertical pipes

A Caution message in AFT Impulse

(SSL Module Only)

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Pipe X has an angle of Y degrees, but the Wasp-Durand model does not account for inclined or vertical pipes. Results may be incorrect.


This message can only appear when using the Wasp-Durand Heterogenous Slurry Model.

This message appears when the slope of a pipe is greater than 8 degrees and less than 18 degrees. Pipes with angles above 18 degrees will display this warning message instead. The Wasp-Durand model does not incorporate pipe slope corrections. Pipe Slope can impact pressure gradients and deposition velocity.

Required Action

If the slopes of all pipes in the system are below 18 degrees, Wasp-Durand may still be used, but will reflect the system less accurately. Exercise caution if results for uphill pipes show settling maximum velocities near their mean slurry velocities.