Pipe X has an angle of Y degrees, but the Wasp-Durand model does not account for inclined or vertical pipes

A Warning message in AFT Impulse

(SSL Module Only)

Full Message Text

Pipe X has an angle of Y degrees, but the Wasp-Durand model does not account for inclined or vertical pipes. Results may be incorrect.


This message can only appear when using the Wasp-Durand Heterogenous Slurry Model.

This message appears when the slope of a pipe is greater than 18 degrees. Pipes with angles between 8 and 18 degrees will display this caution message instead. The Wasp-Durand model does not incorporate pipe slope corrections. Pipe Slope can impact pressure gradients and deposition velocity. Vertical conveyance effects will not be captured in the model.

Required Action

If a system contains vertical or significantly-angled pipes, consider using the detailed Wilson, Addie, Clift or 4-Component slurry models. In some cases, it may be possible to define the system boundaries to exclude inclined pipes, modeling only the horizontal elements of the piping system.