Heat Exchanger

The Heat Exchanger junction type is internal to the system and requires two connecting pipes. This junction models the irrecoverable loss that occurs through heat exchanger equipment along with a known heat rate added to or removed from the fluid.

The Heat Exchanger Properties window follows the first of the two basic Properties window formats, displaying the connecting pipes in a fixed format. The flow direction through the junction is determined by the defined directions of the connecting pipes.

Heat Transfer

On the Thermal Data tab you can define a fixed heat rate into the system.

Note that similar to flow rate definition, heat flow is positive when flowing into the system, and negative when flowing out.

Transient Data

On the Transient Data tab, a heat rate transient can be entered. Note that if there is a heat rate and flow through the junction reaches zero (either because flow is halted or because flow reverses), the solution will fail as heat can no longer flow out of the junction, causing heat to accumulate infinitely. For more information on transient data, including event transients, see Junction Transient Data.

Special Conditions

The Special Condition for a Heat Exchanger junction functions differently than other junctions. Here you can turn off the heat transfer for the heat exchanger.