File Menu

  • New - Opens new model.

  • Open - Calls Open file common dialog window so pre-existing model can be selected for opening.

  • Save - Saves input model to disk using current model file name.

  • Save As - Opens Save As common dialog so you can specify a file name to save model to disk.

  • Save Graph As - (Graph Results Only) - Opens Save Graph As common dialog so user can specify a file name to save graph as a graphics image file to disk.

  • Save Graph Data As - (Graph Results Only) - Opens Save Graph Data As common dialog so user can specify a file name to save graph x-y data to text file on disk.

  • Import Graph Data - (Graph Results Only) - Allows for data as .txt and .dat to be imported for creating graphs

  • Export Model Data - (Model Data Only) - Opens formatting window and Save As dialog where you can specify data from the Model Data window to be saved to a delimited file appropriate for spreadsheet use. Available in Model Data window.

  • Export Output - (Output Only) - Opens formatting window and Save As dialog where you can specify data from the Output window to be saved to a delimited file appropriate for spreadsheet use.

  • Export Force File - (Output Only) - Opens Export Force File window for the selected file type from those shown below.

    • CAESAR II Force File

    • TRIFLEX Force File

    • ROHR2 Force File

    • AutoPIPE Force File

  • Import Excel Change Data - (Workspace and Model Data Only) - Imports data from Excel file which modifies certain input data. See Importing Excel Data for more info.

  • Excel Export Manager - Opens the Excel Export Manager.

  • Merge - (Workspace Only) - Opens a Merge dialog where you can specify another model file to merge into the current model.

  • Print Preview - Opens Print Preview which allows you to specify special formatting for printed graphics and text, as well as preview printed content before sending it to the printer.

  • Start Batch Run - The Start Batch Run button on the File Menu opens a Batch Run dialog where you can select a different scenarios or models and initiates a process whereby xStream runs the multiple scenarios/models automatically. This tool can also be used to export output to Excel using the settings already configured in the Excel Export Manager.

  • Load Background Picture - (Workspace Only) - Loads a background picture into the Workspace. Formats supported include bitmap, windows metafile, enhanced metafile, JPEG, GIF and RLE. Available in Workspace window.

  • Import Piping Layout From

  • Export Piping Layout To

  • Exit - Exits AFT xStream.