Minimizing Run Time

Models built in AFT xStream can experience long run times, sometimes requiring hours or days to complete. Ultimately, the best method to reduce model run times is to work on a computer with a more powerful processor and with higher read/write speeds.

There are modeling methods which can be used to decrease the run time, though these methods will typically result in some decrease in result accuracy. When using any of the following methods the engineer should always perform a sensitivity analysis to determine what impact these changes have on the accuracy of results.

  • Include losses from static components in the pipe Fittings & Losses tab. This can be done using the feature to Join Pipes/Junctions.

  • Artificially increase the length of the shortest pipe in the model. This will decrease the number of sections used in longer pipes in the model, therefore decreasing run time.

  • Set the Minimum Number of Sections Per Pipe to 1 in the Sectioning Panel.

  • Use the AFT Standard fluid library for fluid properties. Results obtained using the AFT Standard library should always be compared to results using one of the higher accuracy fluid libraries.