New in Version 7

New & Improved Microsoft Excel Integration

  • Improved keyword based method for importing model changes from an Excel Worksheet

    • Use the included template Worksheet to quickly and easily define model changes

    • Change multiple scenarios at once

    • For a detailed description see Importing From Excel

An Excel Sheet that shows the format used to import into AFT Arrow.

  • New feature for directly exporting specified Output data to new or existing Excel Workbooks.

    • Export only the data that is desired - no need to sort through unnecessary data

    • Specify exactly where the data will end up - insert data into a pre-formatted Workbook

    • Automatically export after a model run

    • Export data from multiple scenarios with a batch run

    • For a detailed description see Exporting To Excel

New Isometric Drawing Mode

  • New Isometric Pipe Drawing Mode

    • Show and Snap to an isometric grid on the Workspace

    • View models in an intuitive "3D" layout, and easily build from existing isometric drawings

A spray discharge model drawn in the isometric pipe drawing mode.

NIST REFPROP Fluid Database Now Included

  • Over 150 fluids from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database (REFPROP) Version 10

    • Select a NIST REFPROP fluid directly in System Properties

    • Use accurate and complete fluid information in your models without the need to locate and enter fluid properties manually

Improved Compressor/Fan Window

The Compressor Model Tab in the Compressor Properties window.

New Thermal Models

Improved Startup Window

New Integration with Common Piping Layout formats

  • Save modeling time by importing existing Piping Layouts from various neutral file types

Updated Standards

  • Output displays Applied Standards - standards that were used in calculation of model results

  • Relief Valve loss can be specified with Designation Size per API 526 - Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves

More Improvements

Pipe and Junction Display Options in the Visual Report Control.