Examples Overview

Example Fluid Pipes Descriptions

Tank Blowdown - Beginner

Nitrogen 2 An in depth discussion of model building in AFT xStream. Models a simple valve opening during a tank blowdown.
Gas Turbine Fuel System Methane 11 A compressor is passing natural gas through a heat exchanger before being used in the combustion baskets of a turbine system. This example evaluates the effect the sudden closure of one of the 3 control valves has on the temperature of the system. The effect of the Minimum Number of Sections per Pipe parameter is also shown.
High Pressure Steam - Fluid Property Models Steam 12 Two turbines in a high pressure steam system are simultaneously valved shut as a bypass line valve is opened. This model demonstrates factors to know to evaluate which fluid database to use in your system, as well as demonstrating how to construct a model in the isometric drawing mode.
High Pressure Steam - Forces Steam 14 Two turbines in a high pressure steam system are simultaneously valved shut. This model demonstrates the transient forces of the steam within the system as well as the effect that the transient duration has on these forces. Finally, this example shows how to export the force file once the forces are obtained.
Frequency Analysis - PFA Methane 5 A frequency analysis is performed on a system with a positive displacement compressor to determine the acoustical frequencies for the existing piping configuration using the Pulsation Frequency Analysis (PFA) module.