New in Version 10

View the links below for key updates from past versions:

New in Version 9, New in Version 8, New in Version 7, New in Version 6

Workspace Layers

The Workspace Layers feature provides a powerful new tool for customizing and viewing model appearance, input data, and results - all in one place. The Workspace Layers toolset significantly enhances the model building process, providing unparalleled customization options. You can easily update pipe/junction size, color, display text, visibility, and more from a centralized location on the Quick Access Panel. Workspace Layers surpass the capabilities of the previous Visual Report feature. With Layer Settings, you now have easy control over Color Mapping and the visibility of both Input and Output parameters. Any change you make to these settings will have an immediate impact on the model’s display, providing real-time feedback. The dynamic combination of unique Layers offers an incredibly flexible framework, allowing you to display precisely what you desire on the Workspace. You can easily toggle the visibility of individual layers on or off, and the state of all layers can be saved to a Layer Preset for future use.

Graphic demonstrating a visual example of layers stacked on top of each other

Figure 1: Workspace Layers can display input and output values superimposed over the model, show Color Maps, and control visibility of objects

Transient Checkpoints

Extend the length of an existing transient run without the need to re-run the entire simulation, or stop and continue a run from other points in the simulation. Transient Checkpoints enable you to save the state of a transient simulation at any given point and resume it later from that exact point. This functionality proves particularly useful in scenarios where you need to pause a simulation temporarily to provide access to another user or when unexpected interruptions, such as system updates, occur during the simulation. This feature also allows for the extension of a transient run. If you have ever experienced the frustration of waiting for results only to realize that you should have run the simulation for a slightly longer duration, this feature provides a solution. Instead of rerunning the entire simulation, you can simply extend an existing run by leveraging the automatically created Transient Checkpoints.

Displaying the Transient Checkpoint panel within Analysis Setup

Figure 2: The Transient Checkpoint panel within Analysis Setup

Retain Partial Transient Output

If the simulation is stopped - by the user or an error - show the transient results up to that point. Transient Output is now saved and viewable regardless of what caused the simulation to stop. This means that you can access and analyze the results up to the point where the simulation was interrupted, just like regular results. This eliminates a lot of guesswork involved in interpreting system behavior when it deviates from expectations, particularly when troubleshooting simulation errors. For instance, if a simulation encounters difficulties in converging on a pump solution due to factors like reverse flow or unexpectedly cavitation, the availability of partial output enables you to quickly identify these situations. You can then take appropriate corrective measures or provide our Support Team with detailed information to expedite problem resolution.

A popup message stating that transient output can be retained during cancel overlayed on top of the transient solver

Figure 3: Transient Output can be retained on errors or cancel

Improved Valve Properties Window

The new Valve Properties window greatly enhances clarity and usability when it comes to modeling valves. The window now clearly distinguishes between different data sources such as User Specified, Characteristic, or Handbook, making it easier to understand the available options. The form has been streamlined to focus on the most essential data, providing a clear understanding of what is required to define a valve accurately. Valve Characteristics, represented by an Open Percent vs. Flow Coefficient table, have been brought front and center. While using a Characteristic is optional, it is highly recommended as it ensures that the valve behavior aligns with real-world scenarios, particularly for valve transients. The process of selecting a pre-defined Characteristic Source has been simplified, which helps obtain more accurate values in case manufacturer data is unavailable.

Screenshot of the redesigned valve properties window

Figure 4: Redesigned Valve Properties window

Streamlined Design Alerts

The Design Alert Manager has been reorganized to improve the process of creating and applying user-defined alerts. Now, you can effortlessly create or edit a Design Alert with just a few clicks. As you modify settings, you will immediately see the criteria you are applying, ensuring a transparent experience. We have also reduced the amount of text on the form, while ensuring grammatical clarity. These improvements aim to make it easier to understand the limits being placed on the design.

The Design Alert Manager showing several examples of design alerts applied to a Pump and Pipe

Figure 5: Steamlined Design Alerts Manager

Other Notable Features

  • Counterweight Check Valve - Enhanced the Force Balance Swing Check to allow the inclusion of a counterweight and lever arm.

    The Force Balance Swing Check Valve model has been enhanced with the ability to include the torque provided by a counterweight and lever arm. Additionally, you can now specify applied torque vs opening position, allowing modeling of situations such as a linear spring attached to the lever arm.

A diagram image of a swinging check valve with a counter weight

Figure 6: The Customize Icon window allows a custom image to be applied to any junction

  • 4-Component Slurries - New 4-component slurry model for the SSL module, developed by leading industry experts, captures complex slurry regimes more accurately.

    The 4-Component Slurry model introduces a division of slurry solids into four distinct groups, or components, based on the particle size distribution. Each component corresponds to a specific slurry behavior; Carrier Fluid, Pseudo-homogeneous, Heterogeneous, or Fully Stratified. Unlike simpler models that account for only one or two slurry regimes, the Four Component model greatly enhances modeling flexibility by automatically determining the effects contributed by each component regime. The model was developed by industry-leading experts and is respected for its accuracy in part because the individual components are based on well established sub models. The 4-Component Slurry model offers a comprehensive and advanced approach to slurry modeling, enabling more accurate and detailed analysis of slurry behavior in various particle size distributions.

Graphic showing each slurry regime individually and a combined view of all regimes overlaid like layers

Figure 7: The 4-Component Slurry Model considers combined effects from four slurry regimes

  • Custom Junction Icons - Use your own images for junction icons.

    Utilize any image as a junction icon, simply by right-clicking on the Toolbox icon for the junction, selecting Add Image, and browsing to the image file. This functionality enables you to use standard P&ID icons or custom images to visually represent your equipment. By using recognizable icons, you can improve the clarity and comprehension of model results, especially for those who may not be familiar with the default AFT junction icons.

The Customize Icon window allows a custom image to be applied to any junction

Figure 8: The Customize Icon window allows a custom image to be applied to any junction

  • Isometric Freeform Drawing Mode - Draw on the isometric grid without forcing any particular pipe routing.

    The Isometric drawing tools have been enhanced by adding a new Isometric Freeform drawing mode. This new drawing mode allows you to snap junction and pipe anchors to the Isometric grid, while having the flexibility to draw pipes that do not necessarily align with the isometric gridlines. This allows you to easily draw complex systems where not all piping follows a Cartesian direction.

Graphic demonstrating how the isometric freeform drawing mode does not require the pipe to follow gridlines

Figure 9: Isometric Freeform drawing mode does not force pipes to follow gridlines

  • New Annotations - There are new shapes and a line tool, along with a more advanced Annotation editing panel.

    New Annotation shapes and a line tool have been introduced to allow more flexible markup such as revision numbers or change requests. Editing of Annotations has been revamped with the introduction of a live-edit Quick Access Panel, which provides immediate visual feedback of the changes you make, and simple global editing of all selected Annotations. The new edit panel also offers expanded functionality, providing you with more customization than was possible in the past.

Pop-up showing the new annotation options

Figure 10: New Annotation options

  • Set Workspace Print Area - Show printing page borders on the Workspace and customize the printing area.

    The new Printer Page Layout tool offers a convenient and effortless way to adjust the printing area according to your preferences. With a clear and intuitive visual representation, you can easily identify where page breaks will occur. Now, you can confidently print a specific section or the entire model at your desired scale, eliminating the need for trial and error.

The Printer Page Layout feature allows the user to set the Workspace print area

Figure 11: The Printer Page Layout feature allows the user to set the Workspace print area

  • Customize Parameters Available to Graph from the Workspace - New User Options allow custom selection of any graph parameter on the right-click Workspace context menu.

    Did you know you can easily graph results from the Workspace by right-clicking on a pipe or junction? This functionality has existed for a long time, but it was previously limited to a predefined set of parameters. Now, you can specify what graph types you would like to see in these menus to simplify your analysis process.

The Graphs from Workspace panel of the User Options allows customization of the right-click context menu for generating graphs directly from the Workspace

Figure 12: The right-click context menu for pipes on the Workspace can have the graphing parameter options modified

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Modeling Additions and Improvements

    • Laminar Corrections - Laminar corrections are now off by default, messages indicate if they were applied or are recommend, and output parameters indicate the correction strength.

    • Zero-Length Connectors - Zero-Length Connectors now behave like standard pipes for most features, including selection and graphing tools.

    • Fluid Libraries - New category for user-defined fluids, making it easier to find custom entries.

    • Control Valve Fully Open Cannot Regain Control - New special condition that keeps the control valve in a locked-open position during transients.

    • Simpler Force Definitions - Difference forces spanning more than 2 pipes no longer require the definition of a group.

    • Specify RPM to Evaluate in PFA Module - Directly specify an RPM to evaluate pulsation levels for, instead of only evaluated worst-case frequencies.

    • API 674 Limitations in PFA Module - API 674 outlines frequency-dependent pulsation limits - you can now check for violations graphically.

  • Importing of PCF, EPANET, GIS, and CEASAR II Models

    • Bend r/D - Import PCF bends with appropriate r/D values.

    • Speed Increase - Importing is up to 10x faster in some cases.

    • Defaults and Display - Better defaults and display options for imported models.

    • Pipe Materials - Improved ability to link AFT pipe materials to imported pipes.

    • CEASAR II Node Names - Display imported CAESAR II node names as junction names.

  • Behind the Scenes Improvements

    • Graphing Optimization - Significant improvements to backend graphing code which provides additional stability now and more capabilities in the future.

    • eLicense Access Improvements - Added a "heartbeat" functionality to eLicenses which improves security and the release of license seats not in use.

    • Output - Significant improvements to backend output code which provides additional stability now and more capabilities in the future.

    • Timed Recovery File - Automatically generate a backup of your unsaved model that can be used to recover unsaved work in the event of unexpected application closure. This is separate from the *.bak files which are only generated after saving a model.

  • New and Improved Output Parameters and Messages

    • Pump RPM - Report pump speed in RPM, in addition to percent.

    • Vapor Volume Percent Output Parameter - Report percentage of computation volume vaporized, in addition to the physical vapor volume.

    • Deep Laminar Caution - Simple loss models do not account for exceptionally low laminar flow, this new message provides a caution if you enter this range.

    • POR/AOR in Pump Summary - Show the values for Preferred and Allowed Operating Ranges in the Pump Summary.

    • Event Messages in New Format - Events are now shown in a cleaner, collapsible format similar to Warnings.

    • Tank Overflow and Drain Warnings - New messages to clearly indicate if a Tank has overflowed or drained during the transient.