Sizing Window

The Sizing Window is a sixth Primary Window that appears when the ANS module is activated and enabled (Figure 1).

The Sizing window in AFT Fathom.

Figure 1: The Sizing Window

The Sizing window contains all of the information required to define a sizing analysis. Other areas of AFT Fathom interact with the definition of sizing parameters, but ultimately all changes are reflected here. The Sizing window is further divided into Sizing panels (Figure 2).

The Sizing Navigation buttons at the bottom of the Sizing window.

Figure 2: Sizing Navigation

Each Sizing panel serves a certain purpose in the sizing process.

Panel Locks

Every Sizing panel can be individually locked to prevent accidental changes (Figure 3).

The buttons used to lock panels located at the top of the Sizing window.

Figure 3: Locking panels

Related Blogs

What is the ANS Module Asking For? Introduction to the Sizing window in the ANS Add-on Module